013 Lindsey Hein – I’ll Have Another Run At It: Balancing Running, Motherhood & Coaching

Episode Summary
Podcaster, Speaker, and Running Coach Linsey Hein joins today’s show to share her own experiences as a mother, marathoner, and coach. Lindsey discusses her podcast, I’ll Have Another, and the approach she takes to interviewing top-tier elite runners such as Lee Troop, Julie-Anne Staehli, and Heather MacLean, among others. Whitney and Lindsey talk about the importance of giving yourself grace as a runner and a parent, balancing family, work and running, and what it takes to come back from injuries.
Episode Sponsor
RunnerClick Pro – https://pro.runnerclick.com/
Key Takeaways
02:25 – Whitney Heins introduces today’s guest, Lindsey Hein, who joins the show to discuss the recent Boston Marathon, how Lindsey prepares for podcast interviews and how she overcomes nerves while interviewing elite runners
12:58 – Giving yourself grace
15:44 – Whitney and Lindsey talk about her running background and their kids
23:43 – The inspiration to launch I’ll Have Another, Lindsey’s podcasting style and how she approaches interviews
39:34 – What kind of athlete is Lindsey?
41:38 – What’s in a (podcast) name?45:48 – Motherhood, running and coming back from injuries
57:28 – Whitney thanks Lindsey for joining the show and lets listeners know where to follow her
Tweetable Quotes
I just want to make sure I’m so well prepared that I’m doing a service to my listeners so that they have an enjoyable conversation to listen to. Click To Tweet (10:31)
I usually write down a bunch of facts about someone and then write down some talking points and then, depending on who it is, five or six pointed questions. Some people I don’t write any questions down. I just have the talking points… Click To Tweet (12:04)
I think when people are honest about the help they have it makes the rest of us feel like, ‘Ok, maybe I’m not doing X, Y, & Z, but I don’t have help here.’ And it’s really easy to compare your life to someone else’s and think,… Click To Tweet (14:23)
This is what I’m known for. I say, ‘I’m probably just gonna do five miles,’ because that’s all I feel like doing in the moment. And then I usually tag a couple more on at the end. Famous last words, ‘I’m just gonna do five miles.’ Click To Tweet (37:38)
If there’s a soccer day or something like that that’s really packed with family stuff, that run is happening the day before or the day after. The run is not taking priority over work and family. I think that there’s a way to do that,… Click To Tweet (50:41)
Links Mentioned
Whitney’s LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/whitney-heins-02ba3b5
The Mother Runners Club – https://www.themotherrunners.com/
Lindsey’s Website – https://lindseyhein.com/
Lindsey’s Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/lindseyhein626/?hl=en
Lindsey’s Twitter – https://twitter.com/lindseyhein
Lindsey’s Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/illhaveanotherpodcast/
Lindsey’s Portfolio of Podcasts:
Why Is Everyone Yelling? With Lindsey Hein – https://sandyboyproductions.com/why-is-everyone-yelling-podcast/
The Herban Farmacy Podcast – https://sandyboyproductions.com/herban-farmacy/
Up + Running Podcast – https://sandyboyproductions.com/up-running/
Illuminate Podcast – https://sandyboyproductions.com/illuminate-podcast/
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