014 Michelle Baxter – The Best Is Yet to Come: Setting PRs & Getting Faster Every Day

Episode Summary
Michelle Baxter is a mother of two who lives and trains in Anchorage, Alaska. Michelle became obsessed with running at age ten and, almost thirty years later, she’s still setting PRs, coaching others in their running goals, and she finally achieved her dream of running a sub 3 marathon in 2021. Today, Whitney and Michelle talk about how Michelle stays motivated to train in the cold and dark climate of Alaska, the nutrition hacks that helped her achieve her goals, and how she’s been able to balance being a mother with continuing to improve as a runner.
Episode Sponsor
RunnerClick Pro – https://pro.runnerclick.com/
Key Takeaways
00:53 – Whitney Heins introduces today’s guest, Michelle Baxter, who joins the show to talk about her running journey, what brought her to Alaska and the difficulty of training in such a cold and dark climate
16:01 – What helps Michelle remain mentally strong during strenuous workouts and recalling the tragedy of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing
21:57 – Michelle reflects on how she balances pushing herself and giving herself breaks as she coaches herself
24:27 – What it took to achieve the Sub-3 Dream
28:21 – Running the California International Marathon
36:56 – What keeps Michelle motivated as a mother runner
42:41 – A wave of emotions after finally achieving her goal of a sub-3 marathon
46:29 – The Faster as a Mom Club
51:01 – Battling the feeling of being tired and the importance of sleep and recovery
55:00 – Whitney thanks Michelle for joining the show and lets listeners know where to follow her
Tweetable Quotes
People say it’s manic-depressive. It’s depressing during the winter and manic during the summer just because you try to cram everything in in those three months. Whether it’s hiking, fishing, camping, all of those things we try to… Click To Tweet (10:55)
I think college is when I realized how much I enjoyed it. It was my social time of the day and I realized how much I actually liked the activity of running. Click To Tweet (13:03)
Your biggest cheerleader is your past self. Nobody’s cheering for you more than your past self. When I think back to myself as a college athlete, I was below average. So now to see the progress that I’ve been able to make over those… Click To Tweet (40:28)
I never thought I’d be faster after having kids. I mean I had the hope, but I didn’t know if it was possible. Click To Tweet (47:15)
Links Mentioned
Whitney’s LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/whitney-heins-02ba3b5
The Mother Runners Club – https://www.themotherrunners.com/
Michelle’s Website – https://www.therunnersplate.com/
Michelle’s Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/therunnersplate/
Michelle’s Pinterest – https://www.pinterest.com/therunnersplate/
The Runner’s Plate Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/therunnersplate
Podcast Production by FullCast