038 Sara Hayes – Mindful Running & Positive Intentions

Episode Summary
Sara Hayes is the Founder and Head Coach of Mindful Miles, a women’s movement and wellness company that prioritizes mindfulness habits, personal development, and intuitive movement. Sara and the team at Mindful Miles use their knowledge and experience to promote the importance of body image, advocacy and movement for mental health.
Today, Whitney and Sara talk about the Mindful Miles Running community that Sara has cultivated throughout her journey, what it means to be ‘more than a runner,’ and the importance of setting intentions rooted in healthy and positive space.
Episode Sponsor
RunnerClick Pro – https://pro.runnerclick.com/
Key Takeaways
01:00 – Whitney Heins welcomes Sara Hayes to the show to share her running story and the origins of Mindful Miles Running
09:30 – The Mindful Miles Running community
14:30 – How Sara works with runners
17:26 – More than a runner
23:18 – What it means to get back to the person/runner you were
30:44 – Running to lose weight
42:05 – Dealing with data
46:13 – Sara shares some of her own mindfulness practices
54:56 – Whitney thanks Sara for joining the show and sharing her story
Tweetable Quotes
When I graduated college I was really burnt out from the sport, and I was heartbroken because this thing that I love so much - and that has made me who I am and has given me the best moments of my life - has also brought me to my… Click To Tweet (06:42) (Sara)
For the most part, I think a blanket statement is that you have to have blind faith. That’s why it’s so important to choose a coach that right off the bat, you have that gut feeling. Because on the days you are doubting yourself,… Click To Tweet (15:02) (Sara)
What I’ve seen in myself and others is we struggle to get back into running or a movement routine, because we have this idea of what running looks like. And oftentimes, it’s sparked from comparison of who we used to be, or the… Click To Tweet (23:18) (Sara)
What does it mean to get back to the runner that you were? Is it time? Is it a feeling? What is that specifically and is it reasonable? We start with these surface level goals and ideas, but will it actually bring us joy and is it… Click To Tweet (29:25) (Sara)
This is my firm belief. If your body has weight to lose, it’s going to do so on its own. It’s going to find its own natural, healthy weight. Click To Tweet (34:33) (Sara)
Data’s great, but the way you’re feeling and any symptoms that your body is presenting, that’s also data. And we can learn to work with that. Click To Tweet (45:03) (Sara)
Links Mentioned
Whitney’s LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/whitney-heins-02ba3b5
The Mother Runners Club – https://www.themotherrunners.com/
Sara’s Website – https://www.mindfulmilesrunning.com/
Sara’s Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/iamsarahayes/
Sara’s Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/MindfulMilesRunning/
Sara’s Email – [email protected]
Sara’s LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/saradigiovanna/
Books Mentioned:
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