041 Heather Hart – Adventure Racing, Adaptation Training & The Principle of Individuality

Episode Summary
Heather Hart, ACSM EP-C, is full time running coach, exercise physiologist, certified strength and conditioning specialist, mother of two teenagers, writer, and ultrarunner who believes that ordinary people can achieve extraordinary feats. She is also the co-founder of Hart, Strength and Endurance Coaching and the co-founder of Relentless Forward Commotion, a running resource and strength and run coaching.
Today, Whitney and Heather discuss adaptation training, the important role of recovery in getting fitter, and Heather’s passion for helping everyday athletes learn how to balance training for big athletic goals with real life.
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Key Takeaways
00:55 – Whitney Heins welcomes Heather Hart to the show to define ‘adventure racing,’ to discuss her experience returning to running postpartum, and to share how she got into run coaching
14:20 – From puking after one mile to running adventure racing
19:32 – The origin story of Relentless Forward Commotion
22:03 – Understanding adaptation training
25:15 – Different techniques to bust through a plateau
32:47 – Fatigue management and the difference between functional and nonfunctional overreaching
36:45 – The benefits of taking extra rest
38:59 – The Principle of Individuality
41:22 – Listening to your body
46:44 – Whitney thanks Heather for joining the show
Tweetable Quotes
We just like to really work with endurance athletes but really help them focus on all aspects of fitness, and helping them reach their goals. Click To Tweet (14:13) (Heather)
I think all athletes kind of have a progression over time - even if they stay in the same sport - just kinda with what their goals are. Click To Tweet (17:59) (Heather)
.So, that’s what so many athletes who come to me, and come to you, and probably every other running coach out there, that’s often what they do is they don’t understand. They say, ‘I’ve been running. I run this far every day and I have… Click To Tweet (23:11) (Heather)
I think that coaches and, for lack of a better term, fitness influencers have been doing a great job lately at emphasizing how important rest and recovery days are. Because we know that we don’t make those adaptations during training.… Click To Tweet (26:18) (Heather)
Going back to fatigue management, when we’re trying to progressively overload, we do need to do what’s called ‘overreaching.’ And there’s functional overreaching and nonfunctional overreaching. Functional overreaching is purposeful.… Click To Tweet (33:40) (Heather)
I would say the number one thing is to remember the Principle of Individuality. Just because you see another athlete - even if they’re training for the same race as you and they have the same amount of experience as you - your body… Click To Tweet (40:02) (Heather)
Part of being an athlete is learning your body like that. This is not supposed to be easy. Click To Tweet (43:09) (Heather)
I think that’s part of our job as coaches. A lot of people think it’s just building the training plan and being like, ‘Go, go, go! Do this!’ But no, it’s helping clients and runners learn how to balance in a way that not only helps… Click To Tweet (44:59) (Heather)
Links Mentioned
Whitney’s LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/whitney-heins-02ba3b5
The Mother Runners Club – https://www.themotherrunners.com/
Relentless Forward Commotion – https://relentlessforwardcommotion.com/
Hart, Strength & Endurance Coaching – https://www.hartendurancecoaching.com/heather-hart/
Hart, Strength & Endurance Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/hartstrengthandendurance/
Hart, Strength & Endurance Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/HartStrengthAndEndurance
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