Running Questions - Answers
Have you ever run with plantar fibromatosis?
Avatar Debra Sanchez
15 November 2018

5 years ago, I was averaging 45 miles a week. An accident left me in a coma and I had to relearn not just walking but breathing. I want to run again, I’ve been diagnosed with plantar fibromatosis. Has anyone personally managed to run with this?

Answer :
Elizabeth Carlson
08 November 2018

First of all, my hat goes off to you! It sounds like you have certainly had your fair share of setbacks, and have overcome a great deal. I commend your persistence, positive spirit, and ability to push through such a terrible situation to get well, get strong, and get back to where you were before your coma and accident.

It sounds like your health has seen a great deal of trials and tribulations, and although I am sorry you had to go through so much, I am happy to announce that having plantar fibromatosis - while still a serious injury that needs to be approached with caution and cared for - is likely one of the very least health problems that you have had to face and overcome. Plantar fibromatosis is much like plantar fasciitis, a common foot running injury. And while I have never been diagnosed with plantar fibrotosis, I HAVE suffered from plantar fasciitis in the past, and my experience of dealing with it and healing from it will hopefully be of use to you.

Plantar Fibromatosis is also known as Ledderhose disease and consists of a minor, non-painful tumor that develops on the deep connective tissue of the bottom of the foot (on the plantar fascia tendon). Plantar fasciitis, although not a tumor and more of an overuse injury that causes severe pain in the arch of the foot, is similar in that both ache when weight-bearing exercises are performed. Both also mean surrounding muscles are likely to get tighter and you might experience further injury in the ankles, shins, and calves from overcompensation.

The main symptom is hard lumps forming on the bottom of the feet, along with the plantar fascia tendon. And while these lumps are not cancerous, they will cause you pain. You are likely to feel the pain the most when walking or running. luckily, there are measures you can take that will help reduce the pain. First off, try wearing shoes, socks, or shoe inserts that are extremely cushioned to help relieve the pressure put on the tendon during running. It is also helpful to make regular stretching, massing, and icing that area of the food a part of your daily routine (as well as anti-inflammatory medicines to help reduce pain and swelling).

And just like if you were treating regular plantar fasciitis, you can use our list of tools found here to help reduce the pain. If you are willing to have surgery, there are also surgical options to help remove the lumps (a surgery called fasciectomy) which will greatly reduce the pain (though the Ledderhose disease still has the risk of returning in years to come).


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