Running Questions - Answers
What are some good 10k running programs?
Avatar mary snow
12 July 2018

I’m trying out another venture in running; however, I don’t think I am knowledgeable enough to move forward. Do you know what are some good 10k running programs to try?

Answer :
Elizabeth Carlson
11 July 2018

No matter what your running experience has been or what kind of running shape you're currently in, there are plenty of excellent 10k running plans on the internet. Our own 10k running plan, which can be found here, is the perfect option if you are looking to for a plan that outlines how to train for the race, fuel, and what to expect and how to prepare yourself for race day. And if you need a starting place for finding a fantastic and unique 10k race near to where you live, you can peruse our list found here.

If you're used to running shorter distances (such as fast track events or the 5k race distance), do not fear the slightly longer 10k distance. While 6.2 miles might seem overwhelming and significantly longer than just 3.1 miles, the training involved for getting yourself into 10k race shape doesn't actually require much more than what a 5k entails, and depending on what you prefer, might be much easier than training for shorter sprint distances. The main thing to prepare yourself for is the distance. This means waking up once or twice a week a little bit earlier, or squeezing it in after work, to get some real mileage. Map out your route beforehand so you know where you are running and aim for your longest run to be 8 to 10 miles. This will ensure that you can definitely run the entire 6.2 miles without stopping (pending you stay injury free and no other outside factors disrupt you on race day). For your other shorter runs, focus on pace and tempo, if you are interested in not only completing the 10k but doing so at a decent pace for a good overall race time.

For fuel, you probably don't need to 'carb load', like you would a marathon. Especially in the days leading up to race day, make sure you're getting in 1-2 servings of carbs at every meal and snack; but don't neglect proteins and fats either. Be sure not to consume too much fiber, and aim for eight glasses of water throughout the day to make sure you are properly hydrated.

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