10 Best GU Energy Gels Reviewed

Our list ranks GU Gels on which performs the best based off consumer input on flavor profile and energy release. We did tons of research to make sure that you are getting all the information you need to get loaded with some of the best energy gels you can find today.
Scroll through and find out what Makes GU energy gels worthy if the hype. Our FAQs and Criteria will help you figure out what is the best option for you, answering most if not all those frequently asked questions you may have.
Standout Picks

Criteria Used for Evaluation
While ingesting a product like this is all about enhancing performance, if it tastes good or even great that's a huge bonus. If this wasn't an important factor then GU wouldn't go to the trouble of spending tons of money in research and development to create the 29 different flavors of GU Energy Gels and Roctane Energy Gels that they have. 29 different flavors! Yes, we know that's a lot to choose from, so we scoured the internet and considered over 1400 reviews from real-world users to find the 9 best ones. The 10th is a variety pack because we feel that it's important to be able to give you different options and we loved that one of the options was an option with a ton of different options! Still with us? Good. Yes, we tested and tasted some of the flavors ourselves, but since taste is such a subjective thing we considered actual user reviews and weighted them more highly than our own opinions because they represent a wider variety of tastes and come from people from all different walks of life. Because of this, we feel that this list is a good and true representation of the 10 actual best flavors and not just our admittedly limited opinion.
With this criteria we look at whether or not the stated flavor actually tastes like what it's supposed to. Sure, it could say Strawberry-Banana, but does it actually taste like strawberries and bananas? Most likely you've tried a food product that was supposed to taste like something but in actuality it didn't really resemble the real-life food all that much and was probably way too sweet. For the most part we found that GU does a good job of creating products that taste like what their labeled as, but like with everything else some options taste more true to life than others and we reflected this in its rating.
Side Effects
You'd think that even though each product on our list is made by the same company and for the same purpose that they all react the same inside your body. During our research, however, we found that different people reacted differently to different flavors so we wanted to make sure this was reflected in the ratings for each product. This was fairly tedious work to do, as it meant we had to scour and consider a ton of different reviews to find the information. But in the end, we think it was worth it because it means you, our valued readers, are getting the most accurate information about how each of the products on this list can and will affect your most important possession, your body. The most common side effect that energy gels cause is known as gut rot, which is a combination of nausea, bloating, cramping, and diarrhea. The science behind this is complicated, but basically what happens is that sugar loves water and energy gels contain a lot of sugar, which can pull water out of your cells and cause the side effects mentioned above. But fear not! By drinking 11 oz. or more of water along with your energy gel these negative side effects can be neutralized and you'll most likely be able to realize the positive effects of GU energy gels without the negative ones. Every person's system is different, however, and we highly recommend experimenting with different gels and amounts of water, especially if you're going to be using them as an energy source during a race.
Product Purity
Some of the products on this list contain caffeine, which can be a benefit to some and a detriment to others, depending on each person's unique bodily systems, when they take the gel, and what their goals are when they ingest it. Caffeine is best known for its energy boosting properties, but it has also been shown to increase mental sharpness and acuity as well as make the carbohydrates in the gel be more readily absorbed by your body. Additionally, caffeine has been shown to decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes, throat cancer, and has many other benefits as well. If you're a marathon runner, however, be aware that too much caffeine late in a race, after mile 20 usually, can cause your body to override it's natural inclination to slow down and lessen performance in order to prevent causing itself harm. While this may sound good in theory if you're trying to set a new personal record or simply finish a long race, your body has these natural governors in place for a reason, and ingesting caffeine late in a race may help you keep up a high pace during the finish, but that high pace at that stage of the race can also cause your body a lot of harm and make it harder for you to recover. In the end, we believe in moderation in everything, and if you're truly serious about using caffeine as a way to boost your performance in a marathon length or longer endurance race above and beyond what an energy gel gives you we highly recommend you do more research on the subject as it's too complicated and scientific to go into in this forum and your health and well being is one thing we don't recommend outsourcing to others, no matter how much you trust the source.
Our Favorite GU Energy Gels
1. Tri Berry

Tri Berry is a favorite among Gu Gel Consumers. It gives you all the stamina GU gels are known for with a great berry flavor that doesn't overpower your pallet. These give you simple flavor with a powerful boost of hydration and energy to get rid of runner’s fatigue
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Gu offers 20mg of Caffeine in the Tri Berry and 21g of carbs. This mixed with the other nutrients help reduce fatigue and give a rapid boost of energy on the go.
It is a great flavored option to not only help you when you’re 10 miles deep in a marathon, but they are good for daily fatigue from long workdays and busy schedules. Giving you another option to energy bars and drink mixes.
Each packet contains 450mg of Amino acids, 100 calories, 20mg of caffeine, and at least 21g total carbs. Tri Berry is filled with carbohydrates that can be absorbed quickly.
The amino acids help protect muscles while restructuring them, a key to preventing fatigue during workouts. , increase your speed of recovery, and it has electrolytes that help maintain your water balance.
GU Energy Gels tend to be super fruity. Tri Berry is milder and is probably why it ranks #1 on the 10 Best GU Energy Gels.
Tri Berry offers a good balance of energy and mild flavor. It doesn't overpower the pallet or linger.
Compared to the other GU Energy gels on our list, this one averages a tad bit cheaper and is available in both the 24 count pack and the 8 count pack.

2. Vanilla Bean

GU Energy Gel Vanilla Bean is a great option for flavor and less sugar. It gives the energy you need without the crash later. This option is best for longer runs and activities.
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Vanilla Bean offers the same 20 MG of caffeine and 21g of carbs. Most of the GU energy gels are the same as far as energy goes, where they rank is flavor and price.
These are best taken before a run and about an hour into it. They are designed to get you going and fight fatigue, so balancing out when you take them can push you further.
It has 20mg of caffeine. Each packet contains 450mg of Amino acids, 100 calories, and at least 21g total carbs. Vanilla Bean is filled with carbohydrates that can be absorbed quickly.
Amino Acids with caffeine and other nutrients can lead to a more powerful run. The best GU Energy Gels are truly helpful for those serious about going further in their runs. They repair and energize while hydrating, which is a trifecta of great running energy.
Vanilla bean is a bit more chalky than the other gels. However, Vanilla Bean GU energy Gel is a great break from common fruit flavors.
If you can get over texture and do not want your GU energy gel bursting with fruit flavor, this is probably the best option for you. It has a mild smooth creamy taste that consumers seem to enjoy.
Just as the others, the more you buy the less they cost. You can get a 24 pack for a lower cost per serving than an 8 pack. So if you are an avid runner or as a burst during your busy day, this would be a great option to choose.
3. Sea Salt Chocolate

Sea Salt Chocolate GU energy gels are a great addition to your daily fuel. These are designed for running but with such great flavor, don’t overlook them as an option for energy whenever you may need it.
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These offer a bit more caffeine at 35grams and still have the 21g of carbs as the others. This absorbs quickly and is one of the better options for daily energy as well as running or gym life.
Each packet contains 1425 mg of Amino acids, 100 calories, 35 grams of caffeine, and at least 21g total carbs. Sea Salt Chocolate is filled with carbohydrates that can be absorbed quickly.
It also contains amino acids that help limit muscle fiber damage, increase your speed of recovery, and it has electrolytes that help maintain your water balance.
Adding a sweet and savory option was a great ideal for GU Energy gels. Like the Vanilla Bean, this is a nice switch from the fruity options.
You get even more energy with this one as well as flavor. IF you prefer chocolate, this is the option for your energy boost.
The cost is comparable to other gels on our list, although these are only available in the 24 count pack, so you’ll have to make a bit of an initial investment.

4. Roctane Pineapple

The Pineapple energy gel is a fruity fuel option from GU that is sure to keep you going through marathons and intense workouts.
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This energy gel is part of the Roctane line from GU which means it has a little extra in the way of additives to give you even more fuel for longer runs and more intense workouts. Unlike other Roctane options, however, there’s no caffeine.
Pineapple is a great caffeine-free option that also contains 125mg Sodium, 55mg Potassium, and 1425mg of amino acids. This helps with mental fatigue and muscle recovery.
If you like citrus the Pineapple energy gel flavor makes a great alternative to your typical lemon or lime taste. It’s comparable to the fruity flavor of sweet gummy candies.
This flavor is more expensive than the other flavors on our list and is only available in a 24 count pack. It’s definitely worth the initial investment and is sure to be one of your favorite ways to carb-load during a big run.

5. Chocolate Outrage

Runners are looking for a supplement which allows them to meet the energy demands created by challenging runs which are often over a long time period.
This Chocolate Orange Gel serves for reducing psychological fatigue resulting from challenging activity, greatly decreases the potential for muscle damage and enables an athlete to give maximum performance.
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The packet gives calories at 100%, dense fructose and maltodex (carbohydrates) which results in energy.
A sound hydration is balanced through the inclusion of a primary electrolyte in the form of sodium, decreased potential for muscle damage through amino acids such as valine, leucine and isoleucine.
Caffeine although a stimulant can also be regarded as a conceptual nutrient when it is combined with nutrients which serve to maintain high levels of glucose while fighting the effects of free radicals through the addition of camomile (anti-oxidants) which can reduce the potential of inflammation.
This combination of energy giving ingredients are topped of with tasty orange flavor.
The cost is standard among energy gels, affordable.

6. Strawberry Kiwi

Looking for a GU energy gel that will boost your endurance without all the caffeine, you might want to give the Strawberry Kiwi flavor a try.
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This GU Strawberry Kiwi energy gel is best used when taken 5 minutes before your run, and every 45 minutes during it. It is typically used for longer runs.
It has zero grams of caffeine. Each packet contains 1425 mg of Amino acids, 100 calories, and at least 21g total carbs. Strawberry Kiwi is filled with carbohydrates that can be absorbed quickly. It also contains amino acids that help limit muscle fiber damage, increase your speed of recovery, and it has electrolytes that help maintain your water balance.
Although taste is a preference, most reviewers liked the taste of the Most reviewers liked the taste of the Strawberry Kiwi GU energy gel flavor, with a very small amount of users claiming to not like the flavor.
The price per 24 pack is much more cost efficient and will be of great value.

7. Vanilla Orange

The Vanilla Orange energy gel is a sweet way to pack on energy for those who need that extra boost on especially long runs.
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The Vanilla Orange energy gel is part of the Roctane line from GU. It is a little more heavy duty than the original and has caffeine content, so it’s typically used for longer runs or more intense workouts.
Each packet contains 1425 mg of Amino acids, 100 calories, 35 grams of caffeine, and at least 21g total carbs. Vanilla Orange is filled with carbohydrates that can be absorbed quickly. It also contains amino acids that help limit muscle fiber damage, increase your speed of recovery, and it has electrolytes that help maintain your water balance.
Although taste is a preference, most reviewers liked the taste of the Vanilla Orange energy gel, claiming it tasted like a creamsicle or orange soda. If you could use a sweet pick me up during your run, take this flavor for a spin.
It’s available in a 24 count which is a larger investment initially but is comparable to most of the other options on our list. Buying in bulk also saves you money in the long run.

8. Mandarin Orange

Delicious tangy mandarin taste.
A good performance gel (energy food) to keep you going through training or long challenging runs, don’t drop your pace and you can eat this while still on the move.
Packed with nutritious fuel and round off with ginger which will gently sooth your stomach, check out this good and proven gel with it’s specialized formula for carbohydrates. Works nicely with recovery time products for runners.
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This gel contains a combination of high level nutrients in doses which work together to maintain the bodies glucose level so that performance energy remains constant and fatigue is kept at bay.
Caffeine a known stimulant will give that needed boost as and when needed.
This gel is produced as gluten free.
For a good combination of nutrients you get calcium, vitamin E, Vitamin C, Potassium, sodium, citric acid, sea salt, chamomile to sooth the stomach, cola nut, paprika, ginger, GU anti-oxident blend, filtered water just to mention the basics.
When ingesting this gel it can be followed up with a drink of water, the sachets can be taken just before a long run and during a long run to maintain a balanced energetic performance and contributes towards a nice recovery time.
Great taste with fruity Mandarin Orange.
Nice on the running budget and you get energy in return

9. Blueberry Pomegranate

Looking for a GU energy gel that will boost your endurance, you might want to give the Blueberry Pomegranate flavor a try.
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It has 35 grams of caffeine. Each packet contains 1425 mg of Amino acids, 100 calories, and at least 21g total carbs. Blueberry Pomegranate is filled with carbohydrates that can be absorbed quickly. It also contains amino acids that help limit muscle fiber damage, increase your speed of recovery, and it has electrolytes that help maintain your water balance.
Although taste is a preference, most reviewers liked the taste of the Blueberry Pomegranate GU energy gel flavor, with a very small amount of users claiming to not like the flavor.
The price per 24 pack is much more cost efficient and will be of great value.

10. Assorted Flavor

It might be a good idea to try an assorted flavor pack so that you can find out which flavors you like best.
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This GU Tastefully Nude energy gel is best used when taken 5 minutes before your run, and every 45 minutes during it. It is typically used for longer runs.
Caffeine varies by flavor. Each packet contains 450mg of Amino acids, 100 calories, and at least 21g total carbs. Tastefully Nude is filled with carbohydrates that can be absorbed quickly. It also contains amino acids that help limit muscle fiber damage, increase your speed of recovery, and it has electrolytes that help maintain your water balance.
Taste will vary by user. Assorted flavors is a great way to figure out which flavors you will like best. Flavors include: Vanilla Orange, Cherry Lime, Lemonade and 6 packets each of Blueberry/Pomegranate, and Strawberry Kiwi.
The price per 24 pack is much more cost efficient and will be of great value, plus you get to try lots of flavors.

- Runner’s World, Running Website ,
- Competitor, Running Website ,
- Runners Connect, Running Blog ,
- Roctane energy gels the Roctane difference, ,