Best Jogging and Running Strollers | Buying Guide

In fact, what better way to spend quality time with your children than to take them with you and expose them to an active and healthy lifestyle. If you want to take your child running with you, a running stroller is a way to go. They usually have 3 wheels to make maneuvering easy.
We spent hours reviewing the top running strollers but we also talked with Whitney Heins of The Mother Runners, who tells us that "most people have the Bob Revolution (I have the double bob) & love it. The cream of the crop is the Thule Glide but it is pricey."
Standout Picks

Criteria Used for Evaluation
Besides running, what else are you going to do with it? Will it be your everyday go-to stroller or one that you use just for your daily exercise? If you plan on using it for everyday use, then there are things that you’ll probably want to consider. You will most likely want to have at least a decent amount of storage space. A good sized bottom basket is great, as long as it doesn’t get in the way when running. Small storage places for smartphones, keys, wallet, and especially snacks and water bottles is also more important than it may seem. You want to know how much you need those things until you don’t have them.
Do you really want to push a super heavy stroller around on your run? Of course not! Fortunately, we live in an age where wonderful technologies exist such as lightweight composites and alloys, which significantly reduce the stroller’s weight and make it a lot less cumbersome to run with. Although most manufacturers are implementing new lightweight technologies into their products, there will always be those that are much lighter and sturdier than others. Remember, the weight that you have to push is not only that of the stroller. The weight of your child will begin to be felt pretty quickly, so the more you can shave off of the stroller the better.
The frame has to be well built and structurally solid. All of the moving parts such as wheels, bearings, any adaptive shock system, and whatever other features a model has must operate correctly without the chance of breaking during a run.
If a certain model has a handbrake system, it has to work correctly. It can’t lock up solid every time you lightly touch the brakes. The wheel locks have to lock. Period. You can’t lock the wheels, expecting them to remain that way, but instead, they have play and tend to roll a bit anyway. As far as where you put your child, the seat has to be safe and secure. We’re not saying that your kid needs to be strapped down and tied to the seat. However, a safety belt system which properly keeps your child safely and comfortably in place is of absolute importance. While running, there may be bumps that you’ll go over, so a good seatbelt with shoulder straps is more than just a good idea.
Large wheels are definitely a big plus. The bigger wheels tend to roll much smoother over divets, cracks and other uneven spots on the roads or sidewalks.
Watch out for the bumps! Shock absorption is something that, believe it or not, often goes overlooked. While your feet absorb the impact and adjust for the terrain, your passenger will feel all of those bumps and rattles, unless the stroller has some sort of shock absorbing system built into the suspension.
Speaking of suspension, It shouldn’t be too tight and it cannot be too loose. The weight needs to be supported over varied surfaces, as to maintain a smooth ride, but also to ensure the frame lasts. The suspension should give a bit when it needs to for bumps and road imperfections while staying firm over flatter surfaces. The suspension decreases the impact on the child and makes them feel as comfortable as possible. A stroller must be able to absorb the impact of the terrain to keep the baby safe and comfortable. During your run, your child might end up falling asleep, and for that reason, the suspension is one of the most important aspects of our ratings. A good suspension will make your jog more enjoyable, knowing your little one is safe and relaxed.
Most likely, you’re going to want a stroller that you can use for multiple tasks, not just running. With that being said, your choice needs to be suited to your type of running. You probably aren’t going to attempt any speed records while pushing your child, but that stroller you pick shouldn’t slow you down because it is built for walking. The best option will be one which performs just as well as a jogger as it does as an around town traveler.
The thing has got to go where you want it to! How much will it negatively affect your jog or run if you have to struggle with making the stroller go where you need it to? It would be unsafe and totally kill the fun. So for that reason, good maneuverability is an absolute must. We look for things like whether the front wheels lock. If they do, how easily can they be unlocked? Are there features such as adjustable tracking to help stay on course with locked swivel wheel?
We also want to know if there is not enough or too much play in the front wheels. A stroller that wobbles from too much play will not only become annoying and difficult to control but may be dangerous as well.
How does the stroller feel when you’re running? Ideally, you want to experience the least amount of resistance. The stroller should be able to move freely and not feel heavy. Making turns and feeling smooth is a must! You wouldn’t want to push a heavy object while you’re running, it must feel as effortless as possible.
Even though you’ll be pushing the stroller, it must feel free. If not, what’s the point? It’s all about enjoying the moment and making the best of your run, jog or walk.
The ideal choice will be easy to transport in and out of your vehicle. Different cars have different limitations when it comes to storage space. You’ll want the model you pick to fold up into as compact of a package as possible.
You also don’t want to struggle when trying to get the thing folded and into your car. Ease of use is an important factor here. An easy to reach and operate takedown system is a must for most busy and active parents. you already have your hands full with your child, do you really want to wrestle with some complex and difficult disassembly system every time you want to go somewhere.
How comfortable is it for your little passenger? Does the seating area provide enough comfortable space, while remaining restrictive enough to keep your kid from bouncing all over the place during your run?
The seat, sides, and backrest should be adequately cushioned and sturdy. There shouldn’t be any hard surfaces that the child’s head could hit, and the seat shouldn’t feel like a rock.
You’ll want your child to be secure in the stroller, but not pinned in like a human taco, not being able to move because the sides are too tight. You want them to enjoy this time as much as you do!
You probably have sunglasses on while you run on a sunny day, and your child should have some protection from the sun as well. It also wouldn’t hurt if the stroller provided some protection from wind and maybe light rain too.
Many of the awnings and canopies which come attached to strollers these days have some amount of wind, sun, and rain resistant properties. This makes comfortably using your stroller possible in different weather conditions.
Your precious child will be riding in this stroller while you run quickly down the road. Obviously, this is not the time for something to break! We looked at the quality of the materials, how well the stroller is constructed, and also how well it stands up to continuous use.
Are the wheels wobbly? Does it fall apart? Does the frame hold up? Is the fabric durable, or does it easily rip and fall apart? These are some things that we want to know.
The durability of a product like this is super important, as it is being used to carry your most precious cargo.
Bottom Line
Being able to take your kid along with you on runs is great. It's a wonderful chance to get out as a family and show your children a great example of staying fit and healthy, which of course we all want for our little ones.
There are a few things that go into a jogging stroller which makes it better than others, and more suitable for sustained running. Take a look at the crucial factors we took into account during our search for the best products.
The Complete Guide to Running Strollers

Best Jogging and Running Strollers
1. BOB Revolution FLEX

For the number one spot on our list, we have decided to go with the Revolution Flex from BOB. Aside from being a popular pick online and in stores, This one also rates at the top on Amazon. Although this isn’t the cheapest option, we think the benefits are worth its' price tag. From adjustable suspension to easy storage, let’s look a closer look at what the Revolution Flex has to offer.
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As far as its' suitability for various types of terrain, the Revolution Flex has an adjustable suspension system that provides a much smoother ride for your little ones. The stroller folds down for storage in just two easy steps. To help make it even more stowable, the front wheel has a quick disconnect, allowing it to be easily removed. Another easy adjustment that you can make with just one hand is the position of the seat, from upright to reclined.
This model becomes even more versatile when you combine it with a compatible car seat, creating a convenient travel system. After reading through a ton of feedback from customers, it is safe to say that this is an ideal choice for those who sometimes even to take their jogs to the paths and very light trails, due to this model’s unique suspension design.
A great, but overlooked feature that this model has is an adjustable handlebar. It makes all the difference when you can make adjustments more appropriate to the user’s height and comfortability.

2. Thule Urban Glide

Thule is a trusted name when it comes to getting things from here to there, so it kind of makes sense that they would produce a quality running stroller. Although it is a fairly expensive option, we think it is worth the cost, offering a safe and sturdy ride for your little tag along.
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The original 2015 model did have some minor issues with the bushings in the front wheel fork which caused some unwanted wobbling. The issue was resolved and updated bushings were used in the production of all new models.
The lockable front swivel features adjustable tracking, to help stay on course during your run. The rear suspension and rubber tires give this stroller the ability to "run" well wherever you go. The front wheel has just enough play to virtually eliminate the need for tipping back to turn.
There is also a double version of this stroller available, which is called the Urban Glide 2.
The overall performance seems to stand up to demands. The Urban Glide maneuvers really well through just about any urban or town environment where you might run with a stroller. In all the ease of use, general function, and durability definitely put this up there as one of the best choices
The handlebar is adjustable and well padded with foam for easy gripping and hand comfort. This model also has many other great features such as safety wrist strap, rear brakes and the ability to fold for storage and transport. The padding in the seat doesn't have as much cushioning as some other models but is still adequate.
3. Baby Jogger Summit X3 Double Stroller

Here is an option for runners with two kids that they want to bring along on their run. The Summit X3 from Baby Jogger is a well-liked double jogger that is a pretty popular choice on Amazon. From a good jog to a trip to the park or even the grocery store, the Summit X3 will help you get there and back with ease. Check out more of the review below for some of the features that this model provides.
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To start off, any parent with more than one child knows that trying to do simple things like folding a stroller can be difficult while also trying to keep track of two small kids on the loose. The Summit boasts a system that folds itself by simply pulling on a strap. Since this is a double stroller, you will have the extra weight of a second child. You will have a bit more control and ease with stopping, thanks to the rear breaks that this model offers. And something else that is more useful than most realize, is that the front wheel swivel can be locked and unlocked remotely from the handlebar. This stroller also boasts independent all-wheel suspension for easy use over rougher types of terrain.
Being a double stroller, this one is going to take up a bit more room and also weigh slightly more than other options. The seating reclines to a nearly flat position, which comes in handy when the kids' energy doesn’t quite last through your entire run. The unit is designed to fold up quickly and easily, although the double version will take up a bit more space in your trunk than the single child version will. To help with that though, the three wheels are quickly releasable and can be easily removed to reduce storage size. This is a solid double jogger that is also useful for much more than just running.
The seats are built for comfort and safety. Each of the two seats has an independent ventilated canopy that offers some protection from the sun and light wind. These seats can be reclined to an almost flat position as well. Unfortunately, this model does not have the option for an adjustable handlebar. The Summit X3 is available in a single seat model, but we are highlighting the double version for the purpose of this buying guide.

4. Graco Trax Jogger System

This amazing jogging stroller and carrier combo makes it easy for the active mom or dad to still get out for their morning runs while taking the little one with them!
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Thanks to great design features like stabilizing wheels, easy control turns, and comfort grip handle bar, the Graco Trax Jogger System is a great way to take the little one on your runs with you. Whether they are old enough to sit up on their own or are still in a carrier this jogging stroller system can meet your needs!
This is a jogging stroller so it is designed to make it easy to go for a run around the neighborhood with your little ones. The stroller is designed to minimize jarring and jostling and also is easy to use and control while on the go.
The Graco Trax Jogger System is designed to be comfortable for both parent and child. Reclining seat and safety latches for the carrier ensure your little one is safe and comfortable. Adjustable handle and advanced wheel system ensure the parents are comfortable as well even on longer runs and outings.
Jogging strollers are made to take a lot of abuse and are made to be durable and long lasting. This stroller system is no different and will serve you well for years to come with its infant and toddler accommodating set ups. It will be a great addition to your running gear and is a durable stroller system that many parents love.
Bottom Line
If you are in search of a reliable stroller system that can handle sidewalks and roads and that will keep your little one safe and ensure you are comfortable too then you will want to check out the Graco Trax Jogger System today!

5. Graco Fastaction

This comparatively low priced yet highly rated option is the Fastaction from Graco. This company is known all over for producing good quality strollers and other baby products. Their strollers, while not as fancy as some, are certainly not as expensive as other brands, and are liked and trusted by a whole lot of people. Going by that, this one is an ideal option for our list. Moving on, let’s look at some of its features.
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Like many models these days, the Fastaction accepts the company’s own car seats from their Click Connect line. When not in use, it can be easily and quickly folded with one hand. It will then lock and stand on its own when folded. The Fastaction also uses inflatable bicycle type tires, which do provide a little bit of suspension and shock resistance from rougher roads. Also, like most other strollers the front wheel swivels for better maneuverability. The seat and storage basket is positioned fairly high off the ground, allowing this model to be used in many different environments. Of course, as this is kind of a hybrid between a standard stroller and a jogger, there is a good amount of storage. The bottom basket holds quite a bit but doesn’t seem to get in the way. There are also two cup/bottle holders and a place for a phone just in front of the handle.
This is Graco’s first jogger, so it seems to take some features, such as underneath storage capacity, from their lines of traditional strollers and incorporate them into this model. The smartphone holder does have a latch which is designed to keep your phone in place while you run but doesn’t hold much more. The design puts quite a bit of space between the ground and the seat, which is probably ideal when going to places like a park that may have rougher surfaces or higher grass. The frame is mostly made of alloy with some plastic, which definitely adds to its durability. In general, this is a model that is designed to meet the needs of a more practical solution for those who also want to include their child in their daily run.
The seat is capable of reclining into several different positions for a more relaxed ride and has plush padding for extra comfort while jogging. The safety harness can use up to five points and is cushioned as well.

6. Baby Trend Expedition Jogger

The Expedition Jogger from Baby Trend is a good yet basic model. It’s a great option for those looking for a simple design, who don’t want all of the extras that they might not need. The construction is made up of more aluminum than plastic but does incorporate both in the build. Look below for more on the features and performance.
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The wheels are large, more like those for a bicycle, allowing pretty easy movement over various types of surfaces. The tires are inflatable, so that is something to keep in mind. Make sure they are maintained with enough air so they don’t go flat.
There is plenty of storage on the bottom for whatever you may need to take along with you, without interfering too much with your stride. For more immediately accessible storage, there are two cup or bottle holders and a small compartment that will fit a phone and some keys just in front of the handlebar. This stroller accepts certain Baby Trend car seats for smaller children.
This is a good choice for daily runs, with pretty sturdy and lightweight construction. The large bike type wheels will easily roll right over the type of surfaces that you will most likely encounter on the road. As mentioned before, the wheels do have inflatable tires that must be maintained. The seat has a 5-point strap system so your child will be secure while you run. Generally, this is a really good option if you want a well rated running stroller at an affordable price.
The handlebar is pretty wide with rubber sleeves for good grip. Although the handle is quite wide, it is not adjustable to accommodate people of different heights. The reclining seat is cushioned but rather small.

7. Schwinn Interval Jogging Stroller

The Schwinn Interval Jogging Stroller is a top-notch jogging stroller that will make it easier to get out and enjoy your runs and get time in the great outdoors and bring your little ones along with you. Not recommended for day to day use due to its bulky nature it is perfect for those neighbourhood runs or for a lap or two around the track. This jogging stroller is great for running enthusiasts and is a great way to instill a love of running in your little ones!
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If you want a strollers that will allow you to enjoy your runs while letting your little one to be comfortable as well, then the Schwinn Interval Jogging Stroller is the perfect choice. This is a great choice for active parents and has great features such as car seat adaptors, water bottle and storage options, and other great accessories and features that make this a great choice.
This stroller is a bit on the bulk side and can be a little cumbersome when folding and storing but when you consider the durability and features you get it is a trade off most people are fine with. Many parents use it on a regular basis and say it has made it easier and more enjoyable to go for a run with the kids.
Handlebars are designed for comfort and good grip ad they can also be adjusted easily for a comfortable ride. The sun cover ca easily be adjusted into the position that is just right for your little one’s needs. This jogging stroller is a great choice for any parent who wants to stay active and enjoy the outdoors with their younger children!
8. Thule Chariot Cross Sport Stroller

If you are looking for something a little more unique in your search for the jogging stroller that is right for you then you may want to consider this stroller from Thule!
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The only four-wheel jogging stroller on our list, the Thule Chariot Cross Sport Stroller features unique design elements and features that make it a good choice for active parents everywhere. It is easy to use and has the features you want in a reliable jogging stroller such as stability, easy control, and comfort features for child and parent alike! It can be easily folded down for easy storage and is designed for easy hook up to a bike for towing along on bike rides!
The Thule Chariot Cross Sport Stroller can be used like any other jogging stroller and is easy to navigate sidewalks and streets with. It has four wheel stability and is easy to use for daily runs and outings with the kids.
Both parent and child will be comfortable with this stroller. Kids can enjoy the reclining seat and shade screen while parents will enjoy the comfortable handle bar and easy storage access bin. The material is designed to be cool and comfortable fort eh kids and the overall stroller design is made to be comfortable for even the longest of runs!
The Thule Chariot Cross Sport Stroller set is made to be tough and will handle all of the wear and tear of frequent use. Whether you use it as a stroller or bike cart or both it is made to last and will serve you well for a long time to come!
Bottom Line
If you want versatility and value for your investment then this is a jogging stroller you do not want to miss out on! It is a perfect choice for parents with infants and toddlers who still want to get out and be active.

9. BOB Revolution Pro

Are you ready for the revolution? With this stroller, jogging with your child is revolutionized. It is great for all kinds of outdoor activities such as running, walking and many others, still being very comfortable for both you and your child. This is the next BOB product on our list and we are sure that you will love it. This one costs around $450. The price is high but users were really pleased with this product and said that it's worth it. Let's look at the other features of this product.
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The brakes are hand activated, which is very useful when you run downhill so you have more control. The suspension is fully adjustable, and comes with two levels of weight support. We really liked that despite the fact that it's perfect for the sport, it also looks very elegant. Keep in mind that with this versatile stroller you can take it for a long jog or to a party, and you and your child will look good doing both.
This stroller suitable for children from 8 weeks and up to 70 pounds. maneuverability in this stroller is very good thanks to the design. The front wheel swivels so you can easily maneuver the stroll. Whenever you want to pack your stroller into the car, it's very easy to do. runners reported that they didn't have any problems with that, there are only two things that you need to fold the stroller. There's also a decent amount of storage underneath where you can keep your belonging. The stroller is big but it's more lightweight that it seems.
The handlebar is fully adjustable, you can put it in the position that fits you. There are 9 positions so you can adjust it for your total comfort.

10. Burley Design Solstice

The Burley Design Solstice Jogger is a tough piece of running equipment. From handle bar to wheels, this jogging stroller is designed for a smooth and enjoyable ride. The Solstice Jogger is a specialized stroller, even in the already niche realm of jogger strollers, with features that will guarantee a satisfying stroll for both you and your little running partner.
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The most notable feature of the Burley Design Solstice Jogger is its patented strap system for securing the child. Many runners had positive things to say about this elastic muti-strap system; that it is tangle free, that it secures the child well, and prevents any slipping. The Solstice Jogger is well situated for the runner as well, easy to assemble and sporting a large conveniently placed storage space.
This jogging stroller is easy to fold and put away, which is good since transportation is one of the first things to consider when shopping for a stroller. Some found the Solstice to be a bit heavy, although that is not too common of a complaint. The Solstice Jogger also makes for a smooth ride as well as giving easy maneuverability no matter what pace you choose.
The stroller sports a generous sun canopy and makes for a cool and comfy ride for the child. The push bar is also adjustable so runners of any height can use the Solstice Jogger.

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