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Momentum Jewelry & Why They Motivate Your Game

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motivation wraps, momentum jewelry, inspiration, athletic jewelry Momentum Jewelry & Why They Motivate Your Game www.runnerclick.com

Instagram is an amazing venue to follow some of your favorite celebrities, check in with family and friends, search for your favorite fashion blogger to help you decide an outfit for the day, while also allowing for easy access to discover new concepts and ideas from small to large businesses. As a runner, you are bound to have times where you will go through spells of tough moments whether it be personal, work, or performance related issues or events.

Sometimes life, simply put, gets in the way and we just can not, no matter what we do, feel motivated to put one foot in front of the other. But there is a brand who found its popularity through Instagram with everyday runners, who may help you defeat the negative vibes that may hinder your running, sports, hobbies or daily life by promoting positivity, inspiration, and motivation in a fun and fashionable way. They will help you to find your spark!

Momentum Jewelry, and can also be found at their Instagram page here, started when founder Amy Cochrane was holding a plank, looked down at her wrist to distract herself from the intensity of the exercise when a grandiose idea made its way to the forefront of her mind. With over 20 years of jewelry design under her belt, combined with a passion for healthy living, Amy developed Momentum Jewelry: a brand that creates workout-friendly, motivational pieces.

You might ask, workout-friendly? That means their jewelry and pieces are designed to last the duration of a sweaty run, walk, hike, bike ride, gym class or simply accessorize and color code to match your outfit while having a busy day of errands or during a long day at the office. And what about the motivational aspect? Along with designing jewelry from the material that is built to last and be easily cleaned, the ultimate idea behind Momentums craftsmanship is to create inspirational phrases to be easily worn and seen to renew that sense of push and drive during whatever life is throwing your way.

What makes Momentum stand out from its competitors is the custom handmade design of each piece. A customer has the option to choose and design each motivational wraps color strap, strap material, the shape of hardware, metal color, and use suggested or custom motivational phrases & all for at a great price!

First, you get to choose the bracelet material and color you want:

With options of cloth, leather or suede, all designed to be comfortable without causing irritation, you can have beautiful pieces that will surely be complimented on. The fun (or challenging) part is deciding what color option you will choose. The bracelets range from bright & festive to current & modern.

Second, you get to choose the shape and color of your metal hardware:

The non-tarnishing, light-weight hardware will be the focus piece upon which your source of inspiration will be displayed. You will have options between oval or rectangular shapes in silver or copper.

Third, and most importantly, you get to choose your inspirational catchphrase:

The motivational taglines come from a broad spectrum to meet all tastes and fire up mostly everyone in some way or another. If you don’t find a suggested phrase that suits you, you have the customizable option to design a piece completely of your own liking or words (but only up to 36 characters). Most phrases provide empowerment, others are about self-love & body image respect, such as the #beYOUtiful campaign. Momentum Jewelry has even teamed up with Garmin, one of the best running watchmakers, to create a motivational piece that encompasses the Garmin catchphrase, “Beat Yesterday”.

How cool is that? Pairing your favorite Garmin watch with your favorite Momentum motivate wrap, you then have the perfect opportunity to post an iconic Instagram post-workout selfie which in turn will help you share the inspiration onto others as well!

The durability of the jewelry is meant to last over several races or to, even simply, be worn every day. Besides bracelets, Momentum has an array of other motivational pieces to keep you inspired including necklaces, footnotes, keychains, and trucker hats. You should not have any problem finding a piece that fits your needs or styles or even finding the perfect gift for the loved one in your life who could use some uplifting positivity.

What’s better than inspiration? Inspiration that is on sale! From Oct 10th-21st all the #beYOUtiful-themed saying Motivate Wraps will be on sale for $15/each.  Also, the 3 new, top-secret, limited-run ” I am…” wraps will also be on sale for $15/each during that time (while supplies last).

These hand-crafted, individualized pieces will be sure to provide you with creative, meaningful and powerful words that will get you through the race called life or the next 5km or marathon you have planned in the future. You know training is tough work. Not all days will be easy. You may not always have a friend or partner to provide that boost of confidence you need to make it out the door for the early morning run, rainy run or tired run. Besides all the grueling physical effort your body goes through in either a training cycle or even just taking care of your family, your mind needs some TLC as well. You may have heard running is 80% mental and 20% physical. Why not, easily, keep your frame of mind positive by wearing or sharing in one or many of Momentum Jewelry’s motivational wraps?

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